Legal Nurse Consulting:

Attorneys rely on EKC’s medical expertise in litigating personal injury, medical and nursing malpractice, general negligence, toxic and environmental torts, products liability, workers compensation, torts, criminal and other types of cases involving injury or medical damages. EKC’s role is to organize, evaluate, and develop the medical facts in the case utilizing its extensive nursing experience and medical resources. EKC’s Certified Legal Nurse Consultants work behind the scenes or as experts, solidifying and lending credibility to the medical basis for each case. EKC’s Legal Nurse Consulting program includes but is not limited to the following areas of service:

Initial Case Screening for Merit and Damages:

• Identifying, gathering, reviewing, and interpreting medical records

• Screening or investigating medical records for tampering

Medical Case Development:

• Organizing, tabulating, and paginating medical records

• Preparing a chronology of events or timeline for the case

• Identifying causal or contributing factors

• Arranging and attending Independent Medical Examinations

• Consulting and interviewing health care providers

• Developing brief or comprehensive case reports

Case Specific Medical Research:

• Conducting medical and nursing literature searches

• Defining applicable medical guidelines and standards of care

Witness Evaluation, Selection, and Preparation:

• Interviewing plaintiff and defense clients and key witnesses

• Identifying, locating, and interviewing expert witnesses

• Analyzing and comparing expert witness reports

Trial Preparation:

• Preparing interrogatories

• Assisting with exhibit preparation

Expert Testimony:

• Participating in trials, depositions, review panels, arbitration, and mediation as necessary

Need a winner on your legal team? Prepare your case with the experience and proven medical expertise of Ellen Kramer Consulting!