Medical Cost Projections:

The best way to begin a journey is to know where you are now and have a clear idea of where you are headed. The road to equitable case settlement, like the roads to accurate claim reserving, proper trial preparation, and prudent claim management decisions, requires a careful look at a roadmap of present and future medical needs in any case involving serious injury or illness. One of the best maps available is a carefully prepared Medical Cost Projection by the experts at Ellen Kramer Consulting.

Whether you are an Insurer, employer, attorney, or settlement agent in need of accurately projecting future medical expenses, the Medical Cost Projection is a highly effective and reliable tool. EKC’s cost projection is based on a thorough review of the claim file and the application of our unique experience in Nurse Life Care Planning, Nurse Case Management, and Legal Nurse Consulting. Our Medical Cost Projection is more than a review of files and reports; it also includes collaboration with the treating providers, case managers and others involved in the case, as well as targeted research of published, accepted literature and cost corroboration with independent suppliers. Here are some of the steps we take to produce a realistic and useful Medical Cost Projection:

• Chronological review of claim file, payments to date, and available medical reports

• Analysis of injury and non-injury related medical history and treatment

• Consideration of complications, co-morbidities, prior injuries, age, health status, life expectancy, and other factors

• Consultation with claimant (if appropriate), treatment professionals involved in the case, and medical and prescription suppliers

• Research and consideration of relevant literature and sources of accepted treatment protocols and cost data

• Development of comprehensive report including tables and charts detailing the probable lifetime projected costs

EKC’s Medical Cost Projection is often utilized as a first step in implementing a settlement strategy, planning for litigation, or initiating a case management program to assist in stabilizing a case and moving it toward an optimal outcome. If requested, we will also include specific case management recommendations relevant to the case.

If you need to know the realistic value or exposure in your case based on all available documentation, an expert Medical Cost Projection by Ellen Kramer Consulting is your best solution.